Monday, January 18, 2016

SIN BRING CURSE ON HUMAN says sin will befall us (Numbers 32:23). Sin brings the curse and blessing of obedience (Deuteronomy 28). For the moment it seems someone could escape from their sins. Their lives seem as beautiful as the lives of others, but in the end the choice they have made will prove it.
When we choose to live in sin, and instead of living in obedience to God, our soul suffers. Man is more than just a body made of flesh and bone. Man is a spirit, and he has a soul consisting of the mind, will and emotions. This is a human person. The sinner suffers his mind. Their soul is very sad, and no matter what they do or have, nothing could satisfy them. They suffer emotionally. Because they have chosen to live their own lives, they become frustrated and angry (emotional upset) when things do not go according to their wishes. They do not know the path of faith. Believe in God-power greater than themselves-they do not understand. They never entered the peace of mind because people simply can enter the rest of God by believing in Him (Hebrews 4: 3).
Living in sin is a life full of curse. There is no good that comes out of sin. This is what the LORD says about the results of the sinner who seeks to live without him.
I (YHWH) will trouble people, so that they walk like blind men, because they have sinned against YHWH. Their blood will be poured out like dust and their intestines like dirt.
They can not be saved by a slut or their gold on the day of the wrath of YHWH, and the whole earth will be devoured by the fire of his jealous cause destruction, even held his devastating destruction of the entire population of the earth. (Zephaniah 1: 17-18)
The verse scary, but the verses it is not necessary to make the hearts of believers in Jesus were afraid. Those who believe in Jesus will never experience any judgment or punishment (John 3:18)

If we read the Bible carefully we will find that all successful people in the Bible have one thing in common, namely: they make the prayer as a lifestyle. Abraham and Job is a very successful businessman in his day. Their success in business is not breathing separated from his prayer life. Daniel became official and the most respected authorities in the reign of four different kings. What is the secret of the success of Daniel? He was not breathing escape from a life of prayer, three times a day he came to God. David was the greatest king of Israel. King David is also the secret of success lies in the life of prayer and closeness to God. Samuel became a great judge in Israel, keberhasilanya became a judge in Israel for his prayers to God.
Skills, capital, experience, connections, hard work, it is important for success in life. But of all that, do not ever forget prayer. The power of prayer is amazing. Always Begin your work with prayer, and then see the difference. Career or business that is based on the power of prayer will give remarkable results. When we pray, God's power will work with extraordinary careers and our business.
G.H. King once said, "nothing is so sure the power of prayer other than the devil. Not because the devil put it into practice, but because he was suffering as a result of those prayers. If the devil is so confident in the power of prayer, why you as Children of the Lord just lazy to pray. Begin everything with prayer. Remember that it is easier to pray and do something that is not possible, than not pray and do something that might be.
Prayer brings power.
Prayer brings miracles.
Prayer blessing
Prayer brings life
Prayer brings luck
Lord's Prayer brings inclusion
By prayer we can do all things.
Prayer is an invisible tool that is useful for the world that is not visible.

Prophetic Outlook 2016 And Beyond

Windunatha: Prophetic Outlook 2016 And Beyond: Selamat datang di 2016 dan seterusnya, sebuah "babak ekstra" bagi Gereja Tuhan untuk melanjutkan sekaligus menuntaskan  semua target dan kegerakan Tuhan di penghujung Akhir Zaman. Kebangkitan yang besar, tuaian besar, tsunami lawatan, namun di sisi lain juga ada penipuan yang amat berbahaya dan tribulasi yang semakin meluas. Berikut ini merupakan sekilas pandang pesan Tuhan terhadap Gereja dan dunia melalui Sister Evelyn (Chosen Explosion House Church).

Deep deception and darkness will continue to cover many people. Everyone will be given a chance to see God's light but those who reject, great darkness will be theirs (fear, confusion and evil).

1. Tipu daya yang pekat dan kegelapan akan terus menutupi banyak orang. Setiap orang akan diberi sebuah kesempatan untuk melihat terang Tuhan, namun bagi mereka yang menolaknya, kegelapan yang dahsyat akan menjadi bagian mereka, yakni ketakutan, kegamangan dan kejahatan.

2. The fullness of evil is going to happen. The sons and daughters of Satan will come to their fullness the rebellion of Satan is dealt with. Locked away for 1000 years then released again for one final testing of mankind. Evil get more evil, many people were go mad. The fullness of evil is overtaking many people.

2. Kepenuhan akan kejahatan sedang terjadi. Anak-anak Satan akan mencapai kepenuhan mereka, pemberontakan Satan diatasi. Dipenjara selama seribu tahun lalu dilepaskan lagi sesaat untuk satu ujian final kepada umat manusia. Kejahatan makin bertambah jahat, banyak orang menjadi marah. Kepenuhan akan kejahatan akan menaklukkan mereka.

3. More crimes by children and against children - Satan is warring against the children to contaminate them and use them for his army.

3. Lebih banyak lagi tindakan kejahatan oleh anak-anak dan kepada anak-anak - Satan sedang memerangi anak-anak untuk mengkontaminasi dan memakai mereka sebagai pasukannya. (Hal ini dilakukan karena Satan tahu bahwa di Akhir Zaman, anak-anak pun akan dipakai Tuhan dengan dahsyat, Yoel 2:28).

4. Greater exposure of evil especially in the church and in those that are trusted but in all areas for those who have eyes to see. The wicked get more wicked and let it all hang out.

4. Penyingkapan (skandal dan kejahatan) yang lebih besar di dalam Gereja dan pada mereka yang telah dipercaya tetapi di semua tempat bagi mereka yang memiliki mata untuk melihat. Yang jahat akan semakin jahat dan biar mereka semua berada.

5. Great divide in light and darkness. A greater clash between good and evil. As the darkness darker, the light will get much brighter.

5. Pemisahan yang besar antara terang dan gelap. Sebuah bentrokan yang lebih besar antara kebaikan dan kejahatan. Sebagaimana kegelapan semakin gelap, namun terang semakin bercahaya.

6. Greater chaos: civil unrest, war, financial storms, crazy weather storms, great persecution (its war between good and evil).

6. Kekacauan yang lebih besar: keresahan masyarakat, badai keuangan, badai cuaca yang tak terkendali, penyiksaan yang besar (perang antara kebaikan dan kejahatan).

7. Awakening is continuing: more and more people are awakening to God's truth, both Christians and non-Christians. This will continue and at some point will happen in mass to large numbers of people. This will bring in a great harvest souls.

7. Kebangkitan akan terus berlanjut: lebih dan lebih lagi orang-orang akan bangkit kepada kebenaran Tuhan, baik Kristen dan non-Kristen. Ini akan berkelanjutan dan pada satu titik akan terjadi secara masal dalam jumlah yang amat banyak orang. Ini akan menjadi tuaian besar akan jiwa-jiwa.

8. The fullness of the sons and daughters of God. His light will shine brighter and brighter upon us. It has begun and has not stop. We will be overcome, filled and consumed by the Holy Spirit.

8. Kepenuhan anak-anak Allah. Terang-Nya akan bersinar lebih dan lebih lagi atas kita. Sudah dimulai dan takkan berhenti. Kita akan ditaklukkan, dipenuhi dan dikuasai oleh Roh Kudus-Nya.

9. Open heavens, opening of ancient door, the gateways of heaven. Outpouring the Spirit of God. More spiritual activities, more angelic activities, more dreams and visions, more miracles.

9. Sorga terbuka, pintu yang berabad-abad terbuka, jalan menuju Sorga. Pencurahan Roh Tuhan. Lebih banyak aktivitas alam roh, pelayanan para malaikat, mimpi-mimpi dan penglihatan-penglihatan juga mujizat-mujizat.

10. Higher spiritual education by the Holy Spirit. Increase in spiritual knowledge for those who will seek, and listen. God has warned not interrupt Him with our distractions.

10. Pendidikan rohani yang lebih tinggi lagi oleh Roh Kudus. Peningkatan dalam pengetahuan rohani bagi mereka yang mencari dan mendengarkan. Tuhan sudah memperingatkan untuk tidak mengganggu-Nya dengan cara pikir manusiawi kita.

11. God's army will be mobilizing and strategizing with divine strategies like never before to advance the Kingdom, to lift up Jesus, destroy the works of darkness set the captives free. The internet will be an extremely valuable tool. Internet as weapon of warfare.

11. Pasukan Tuhan akan bergerak dan menyusun strategi dengan strategi-strategi ilahi yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya untuk mengokohkan Kerajaan Tuhan, meninggikan Yesus, menghancurkan pekerjaan kegelapan dan membebaskan yang terbelenggu. Internet akan menjadi alat yang bernilai secara ekstrim. Internet sebagai senjata peperangan.

12. There are going to be great prayer movement.

12. Akan ada kegerakan besar di antara para pendoa.

13. There will be a greater focus on true holiness (not legalism).

13. Akan ada fokus yang lebih besar terhadap kekudusan sejati (bukan pada legalisme). Berjalan karena rhema, bukan karena logos.

14. There will be a greater focus on intimacy and unity with God, surrender and submission to Him. He will be our greatest delight.

14. Akan ada focus yang lebih lagi terhadap keintiman dan manunggal dengan Tuhan, penyerahan dan penundukan diri terhadap Dia. Tuhan akan menjadi sukacita terbesar bagi kita.

15. A great unity to the true believers will come out of both the trouble and out of the outpouring of The Spirit.

15. Persatuan yang agung di antara orang percaya akan menghasilkan baik persoalan maupun pencurahan Roh.

16. A greater love and a greater unity to The Body of Christ. Because of the internet and the technology.

16. Kasih yang lebih besar dan juga persatuan di antara Tubuh Kristus. Karena adanya internet dan teknologi.

17. Technology will become more and more an asset to spreading the good news and setting the captives free and bringing The Kingdom in fullness. Knowledge from heaven of all kinds will flow like never before.

17. Teknologi akan menjadi sebuah aset yang lebih lagi untuk menyebarkan kabar baik (Injil) dan membebaskan yang terbelenggu dan membawa Kerajaan Tuhan dalam kepenuhan. Pengetahuan dari Sorga atas segala sesuatunya akan mengalir seperti belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya.

18. A fresh devotion to the word of God and much greater enfaces on discipleship is coming. Back to the basics as many people turn to Christ.

18. Sebuah komitmen baru terhadap Firman Tuhan dan pengutusan yang lebih besar lagi akan kegiatan pemuridan sedang datang. Kembali kepada yang fundamental sebagaimana banyak orang kembali kepada Kristus.