Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Haughtiness before destruction and a haughty before a fall (Proverbs 16:18)

Traditionally considered a sin of arrogance base. Arrogance understood as a vicious sin, expressed in his desire to be like the Lord. Arrogance is the essence of sin. Arrogance is very likely a networking center sins characterize human beings.
http://kmbeing.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/Like a magician with his juggling skills, vanity want to focus on anything else except to their own sinfulness: "Do not pay attention to the person who is behind the scenes." Arrogance does not recognize that Christ has the right to judge our sinfulness. We can receive forgiveness for our own services. Arrogance can be humbling, but in the end he refused to bow.
Arrogance is divided into two groups, namely pride outwards and arrogance toward the inside.

a. Arrogance outwards.
Sightings out of arrogance shows in behavior conceited, arrogant and haughty. People who showed arrogance ignore others and considers the world of emotion goes according to expectations.
Narrated in ancient Greek myth of Narcissus, a handsome young man who is not moved by the love of others addressed to him. Because he absorbed himself he cursed to fall in love with his reflection in a pond belonging to his girlfriend that he refused, the end of the story of Narcissus died in a state of love on bayanganya absorbed by itself.
This myth explains the use of the term narcissism by Freud to reveal character disorders who do not care to others. The root word of narcissism in Greek is the word Narke meaning numb.
Children younger through a period that is reasonable in the growing narcissism. A toddler or toddler unusual feeling that he is the center of this world, adored by people who wanted to be close to him. If the need is forgotten or compromised, it then thickens into the character of the person. If we are not allowed to feel like the center of the world when we were little, we still expect to be able to be the center of the world in the coming years. Feeling more powerful than others are quick to satisfy hunger jaln the preformance for meaningful feelings.
T. Aquinas wrote that the kind of pride include the desire to excel is not limited. The difference between the true self-love and the desire to excel unlimited found in the liver. Wanting something good for yourself is not a sin, but want good things to get rid of it until things better is sin. Aquinas also notes that the deepest kind of arrogance is insulting God - that really want to put yourself in the place of God. It is a sin Lucifer. Selfish ambitions, we usually have on a smaller scale.
Augustine wrote some form of arrogance that most tend to explain themselves to the outside.
Futility is a well-known form of arrogance took the form of receiving praise or boast about things that actually should be commended to God. It is not true attention-through time, money or other resources-on self-image. It was an attempt to draw attention to yourself.
The haughty is arrogance in the form of exaggerating and insistent
Vanity is arrogance about race, family, class or other characteristics which artificially creates the impression of superiority
Do not respectful include waiver of worship and reverence to God. Arrogant people who do not respect cynical about sacred things, treat sacred things (including the name of GOD) temporally or take part in religion for purely social and personal gains.
Disobedience shows itself in the form of ignoring the will of God and moral laws, or do not try to understand the will of God.
Iniquity is a form of arrogance which refuses to seek and acknowledge the sin itself.

b. Arrogance towards the inside
Manifestations arrogance directed into making someone become obsession with other people and how they feel about that person. This man focused on his own, but arrogance is not completely revealed through attention to imagery rather than through cocky or arrogant attitude. This kind of arrogance can take the form of "humility narcissistic" which was praised by admitting mistakes and pretended the smallest brokenhearted about them. This is a hidden arrogance. The person who gives the impression of a charming humility until the other person has the impression pumping target itself.
Arrogance hidden is the most difficult to play against / sins out humble us when we realized that everyone can see it, but the secret sins thrive in dark corners. Arrogance can only be combated if he opened, and a hidden arrogance can only be opened by someone who hid it.
The easiest form of arrogance that is hidden is:
               Distrust ; do not believe it includes the rejection of God's will for preferring his own free will. This sin wants to know the future and are not willing to accept the unknown. Distrust matched by action Eve ate the fruit in the Garden. Distrust can produce perfectionism. A prefeksionis could suspect that God's will can not be achieved if he makes a mistake. Others praised the people who do all whol.
          Sentimentality; is a form of arrogance when somebody replace pious emotion, grandeur and beauty of true personal respect and obedience to God.

         Sass is another form of arrogance, impudence is the chaos of expectations is one of the classic virtues. This means relying on themselves inappropriately and disrespectfully than trade on grace of God. Those sassy presupposes God will always forgive and not seek to live a life worthy of God's favor.

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