ENVY: dissatisfaction RIGHT
In popular language the word envy is often used as a synonym for greed or gluttony, but this is not right. When envy add as a deadly sin, he is seen as a sin that is oriented to the spiritual issues, while greed is directed to material things. While greed is mainly concerned have, while envy regarding the position of someone in the world. Where greed wants good things that others have, envy wants to be the only one who has the good stuff. Envy is discontent with how God has made me as who I am. envy is also a suspicion that God endure what I should accept and give it to others. If we expect more intelligent than others, or richer than others or more beautiful than others, we are actually there in the circle wickedness sin of envy. Envy makes us uneasy to success or happiness of others because of envy believe that life is a game where the victory of one side means the defeat of the other party.

If someone else get something good, it is available to me is unfavorable. In essence, envy can never be satisfied. Israel loved Joseph more than all his other son, Joseph, that's because his son, who was born in his old age; and he sent mighty create beautiful robe for him. Once seen by his brothers, Joseph loved that his father more than all his brothers, then they hate it and do not want to greet him with a friendly (Genesis 37: 3-4) In particular there is a kind of envy that strikes the parents. The parents want the best for her children, even better than they have. This situation itself becomes fertile ground for envy to take root. I've pretty much worked with many people who feel that they are receiving mixed messages from their parents. They received encouragement to succeed from their parents and to discover their gifts and talents. Then when they succeed and excel, they did not receive the blessing of their parents. We can want something to others and at the same time envy him. Happy damaging envy what others have. If I can not be unhappy, jealous said, I wish you were not happy. Envy flourish in divorce court. People who looked normal turns into a green-eyed beasts, trying to ensure that the former spouse does not get any good after the divorce occurred.
Jealousy is a form of envy that keeps what someone had. (jealousy of God and man are different. Jealousy God wants the best for mankind, whereas human jealousy comes from selfishness 100% on his behalf.) Jealousy generate real competition where there are none and fantasize competition where it does not exist.
Envy is a form of envy really expect bad things to other people and delighted to see or cause suffering to others. People who are infected with the sins of malice to imagine that other people have the same hidden desires against him and that they would cause him to suffer if they have a chance. Envy makes Joseph's brothers throw him into a pit and sold into slavery rather than allow it enjoys a position as a favorite son. The same contempt with malice. Insults are also trying to commit violence against other people, but that is not very visible. People who insult heaped condemnation of virtue or abilities of others. He was waiting for an opportunity to mock others, while abolishing all the memories about the success of others. Insults take quality anything that is not owned by the insult and defame them so that they do not seem to draw in others. All forms of discrimination or judgment based on race, class and others who think one group is superior to the other groups are forms of insult sin.
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